Augusta is taking the lead as focal point of one of the most crucial industries in the modern digital and economic landscape.
The Augusta Region has long been a hotbed for tech- and cyber-related companies such as ADP and Raytheon. Now, Augusta is home to the US Cyber Command at Fort Eisenhower and the newly completed Georgia Cyber Innovation & Training Center, a $100 million investment and the largest government cybersecurity facility in the United States. Located on the Nathan Deal Campus for Innovation, the center is a unique public/private partnership involving academia, state and federal government, law enforcement, the U.S Army and the private sector.

Other cyber-focused businesses are paying attention and taking advantage of the expanding field by moving their headquarters and establishing branches in the Augusta Region.
Support of Augusta as a huge player in cyber is overwhelming:
The Pentagon’s 2013 announcement that the U.S. Army Cyber Command would relocate from Fort Meade in Maryland to Fort Eisenhower in Augusta
The $100 million Georgia Cyber Innovation and Training Center, the single largest investment in a cybersecurity facility by a state government to date, is a unique public/private partnership involving academia, state and federal government, law enforcement, the U.S. Army and the private sector
Currently, there are more than 200,000 unfilled cybersecurity jobs nationwide.
The Cyber Institute, along with the Georgia Cyber Innovation and Training Center, will be working to fill those jobs, building a world-class workforce by improving Georgia’s cybersecurity education, training and research infrastructure.