Millenial Icon

Augusta-Richmond County, GA-SC has 128,019 millennials (ages 25-39). The national average for an area this size is 126,898.

Retiree Icon
Retiring Soon

Retirement risk is about average in Augusta-Richmond County, GA-SC. The national average for an area this size is 187,026 people 55 or older, while there are 187,517 here.

Racial Diversity Icon
Racial Diversity

Racial diversity is high in Augusta-Richmond County, GA-SC. The national average for an area this size is 256,649 racially diverse people, while there are 294,989 here.

Veterans Icon

Augusta-Richmond County, GA-SC has 53,132 veterans. The national average for an area this size is 31,905.

Violent Crime Icon
Violent Crime

Augusta-Richmond County, GA-SC has 1.03 violent crimes per 1,000 people. The national rate is 3.6 per 1,000 people.

Property Crime Icon
Property Crime

Augusta-Richmond County, GA-SC has 7.25 property crimes per 1,000 people. The national rate is 18.22 per 1,000 people.

Educational Attainment

Concerning educational attainment, 16.4% of Augusta-Richmond County, GA-SC residents possess a Bachelor's Degree (3.7% below the national average), and 9.3% hold an Associate's Degree (0.7% above the national average).

Population By Age

Population By Race/Ethnicity

Population By Gender